The following Requests For Proposals (RFPs) invite non-profit organizations throughout New York State to apply for grants to participate in the Independent Consumer Advocacy Network (ICAN), an initiative of the Community Service Society of New York (CSS) funded by the New York State Department of Health . ICAN is the New York State Ombuds Program for people with Medicaid who need long term care services, a statewide program that provides direct assistance to participants in MLTC , FIDA, FIDA-IDD, HARP and MMC plans.
In 2014, the NYSDOH awarded a multi-year grant to CSS to establish the Ombuds program to provide education, navigational assistance, and advocacy to MLTC/FIDA/LTSS MMC participants, caregivers, and their advocates. The ICAN Network is comprised of CSS, a team of Specialists, and a group of community-based organizations. Since its inception in December 2014, ICAN has served individuals transitioning into MLTC plans, individuals eligible for and participating in the FIDA demonstration program, and beneficiaries of LTSS in MMC plans.
We are pleased to announce that the scope of ICAN services is now being expanded to cover participants in FIDA-IDD and HARP plans, and CSS seeks to fund additional community-based organizations with experience assisting individuals with long-term care and health insurance issues to join the ICAN Network.
We are issuing three RFPs: the first seeks an organization with demonstrated experience in behavioral health services to help us provide ombuds services to HARP consumers statewide; the second is to provide ombuds services in the Capital Region; and the third seeks an organization in the New York City area to focus exclusively on outreach and education about the ICAN program.
The RFPs may be accessed by clicking on the following links:
Questions about these RFPs should be emailed by 5:00 pm on Friday, August 19, 2016 to Carrie Zoubul at the following address: Responses to questions will be posted on the ICAN website by 5:00 pm on Friday, August 26, 2016. Please note that applications are due Thursday, September 15, 2016. Please note clearly on your application which RFP you are responding to.
Please feel free to share this information with any organizations that you think would be interested in submitting a proposal.